Lausunto ulkoasiainministeriölle 4.3.2016, dnro 129/03/2016, Ida Sulin

OHCHR:n kysely koskien sitä, miten ihmisoikeuksien suojaaminen ja edistäminen edesauttavat väkivaltaisen ekstremismin ennaltaehkäisyssä ja estämisessä

OHCHR:n kysely koskien sitä, miten ihmisoikeuksien suojaaminen ja edistäminen edesauttavat väkivaltaisen ekstremismin ennaltaehkäisyssä ja estämisessä Ulkoasiainministeriö pyytää lausuntoa koskien OHCHR:n kyselyä siitä, miten ihmisoikeuksien suojaaminen ja edistäminen edesauttavat väkivaltaisen ekstremismin ennaltaehkäisyssä ja estämisessä. Ihmisoikeuspolitiikan yksikkö kokoaa vastauksen YK:n ihmisoikeusvaltuutetun kyselyyn koskien parhaita kansallisia käytänteitä ja tietoa siitä, miten ihmisoikeuksien suojaaminen ja edistäminen edesauttavat väkivaltaisen ekstremismin ennaltaehkäisyssä ja estämisessä. Ihmisoikeusvaltuutettu laatii vastausten pohjalta raportin ihmisoikeusneuvoston istuntoon syyskuussa 2016. 

​Ulkoasiainministeriö toivoo vapaamuotoisia englanninkielisiä konkreettisia esimerkkejä siitä, miten ihmisoikeuksien suojaaminen ja edistäminen edesauttavat väkivaltaisen ekstremismin ennaltaehkäisyssä ja estämisessä.

Suomen Kuntaliitto kiittää mahdollisuudesta osallistua vastauksen tekemiseen ja lausuu kyselyn perusteella seuraavaa:

The first national Action Plan to prevent violent extremism was made for the period of 2012-2015 and the second national Action Plan will be published in 2016. Finland has a National Cooperation Network for preventing violent radicalization and extremism: members are police, intelligence service, representatives of different ministries, local authorities and different communities. The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities is also part of the network. Further, there are local cooperation networks with the task of preventing violent radicalization and extremism in Helsinki, Turku and Oulu. These networks include representatives from the local authorities in the fields of education, health, social work and youth work.

The Action Plan 2016-2020 will cover at least the following subjects: Best practices, Finnish Exit-programme – Radinet, Helpline-service, Hate crime, Virtual community policing. The Plan will present the following steps forward:

• Developing capability to prevent violent extremism in all parts of the country
• Anchor teams in all Police Districts, cooperation network, officials specialised in preventing violent extremism (police, mental health, social work, youth work)
• Interventions targeted to individuals, prevention targeted to groups, communities and areas
• Developing skills in education sector, health and social sector and in the Police
• Preventing travelling to conflict zones, reducing risk of violence regarding the 
• More focus to the right wing extremism: Finnish Resistance Movement

New measures to be included in the Action Plan include: 

• Supporting families
• Cooperation with young people, religious communities and Muslim 
communities, NGOs
• Language and communication: Round table discussions with the media
• Developing research and information products

Local authorities are responsible for measures linked to education and culture. The Ministry of Education and Culture is allocating money for the training of teachers on how to identify pupils at risk and for practical exercises for teachers. On the level of education providers in municipalities the following measures can be taken to minimize risk for radicalization:

Each education provider can locate the student groups of instruction preparing for basic education in the same schools than the Finnish students to enhance the integration with Finnish citizens. This instruction is intended for those pupils of immigrant backgrounds whose Finnish or Swedish language skills and/or other abilities are not sufficient to study in a pre-primary or basic education group. The preparatory instruction takes place for about 12 months, but within that time the pupils can and will also integrate into Finnish- or Swedish-language teaching groups in pre-primary or basic education corresponding with their own age, in the manner determined in each pupil’s personal study programme, usually starting with arts and sports.  Pupils participating in instruction are entitled to transfer to basic education even prior to fulfilling the required timing, provided that they are able to keep up in basic education.

In basic education schools try to bond the immigrant students with their own age group even though they would not be academically ready to study with their own age group. In their pedagogical arrangements, schools take into account the fact that learners are different in terms of age, learning abilities and background and that individual pupils’ teaching arrangements are planned and instruction is differentiated according to their age and developmental phase. Instruction provided with support in pupils’ native languages will promote absorption of different subject contents. There are also many different informal extra curriculum activities to increase friendship with the same age group, such as sports and arts clubs etc.



Arto Sulonen
johtaja, lakiasiat 

Ida Sulin


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